Jobs for America’s Graduates (JAG) is a state-based national non-profit, working with young people who are most at-risk. In more than three decades of operation, JAG brings consistent, compelling results, helping students stay in school through graduation, pursue post-secondary education and secure quality employment and sustaining jobs and careers.
  • Youth unemployment is at a record high, especially for urban and minority teenagers, and we know this impacts their lifetime earnings and prospects. Yet at the same time, AT&T and other businesses are struggling to find workers who have the mindset, habits, and skills to help us succeed. Click here for the full article.CTNJ 5 7 16

  • neysha flores

    Looking for more JAG workers!

    Like many Connecticut employers, Neysha Flores, above, a vendor services supervisor with National Waste Associates of Glastonbury, is continually looking for workers who are smart, willing and able to learn, and who have the good work habits to fit in and help her company.

    In JAG, Neysha found a great worker, and she would like to find more.

    “Rossana came to us without any business experience, but she impressed us from the first interview, and she has gone on to learn many different elements of our business,” Neysha said, of Rossana Bustamonte, a Manchester High School JAG student she hired six months ago.

    “When she interviewed with us she was well-spoken and outgoing and made a very good impression. She’s doing a really good job, handling everything from cold-calling new vendors to dealing with emergency situations and different types of contracts.

    “She is a good fit for us,” Neysha continued. “I would definitely hire another JAG student in the future.”

  • Design Thinking: JAG’s Strength and Effectiveness

    "My support for JAG is also that it is not an adjunct program; it is really built into the school day.

    "The strength of this program… is designing backwards from what we want graduates to look like in the end. Working with industry the message is consistently same: They want graduates that think and can problem solve and have the habits of mind to be part of an organization. The JAG Program, and schools that have that focus built in as part of their day, are better able to achieve this. The JAG program really focuses on teaching explicitly those soft skills and what we call habits of mind . You don’t always find that in conventional education."

    ~Steve Pynn. JAG CT Advisory Board member

    "Having been in education for a long time, I have never had a role like this, and it’s very rewarding."

    ~Justine Meyer, Lead JAG CT and Manchester High Specialist

    Excerpts from MetroHartford Alliance's Pulse of the Region, November 21, 2015

  • Jobs for America’s Graduates (JAG) is a state-based national non-profit organization dedicated to preventing dropouts among young people who are most at-risk. In more than three decades of operation, JAG has delivered consistent, compelling results – helping nearly a million young people stay in school through graduation, pursue post-secondary education and secure quality entry-level jobs leading to career advancement opportunities.


Mayor, Commissioner, Honor New Haven JAG Students

New Haven’s first Initiation and Installation (I&I) Ceremony was a festive and well-attended event, with Mayor Toni Harp, state of Connecticut Labor Department Commissioner Sharon M. Palmer, Superintendent Garth Harries, Senator Gary Winfield, and many other district and community leaders turning out to recognize JAG’s students being formally sworn in to the Career Association.

But student contributions had equal weight, with a riveting musical performance by Ravel Martinez and moving speech by Career Association President Zakeya Herring.IMG_3844-BryanBrookshire-edit

IMG_3706“I know the name can lead to thinking this is just about jobs but this program is so much more than that,” Ms. Herring said. “JAG is a way to help people establish and develop values and personalized goals. Its has taught us about professionalism, diversity, leadership, pushes us to want to get involved in future civic and social awareness and community outreach projects.”

Mayor Harp led off by thanking Commissioner Palmer for helping bring JAG to Connecticut and to New Haven.

“This is vital to the health of the city,” said Mayor Harp. “JAG helps young people understand that good academic attendance leads to good employment, and each job contains the opportunity for learning and promotion and advancement.”

“When I was teaching, I saw a lot of very bright students who had barriers, but who had potential,” said Commissioner Palmer. “I wish JAG had been there for them. I believe this program can really change lives. Please remember to use your successes now to support your families and communities. Keep learning, be able to change when needed.”

IMG_3653-edit Alderman Carlton Staggers used his keynote address to urge students to focus on academics and to pay attention to relationships. “Be nice to everyone,” he said. “You never know who  will be sitting in front of you someday, interviewing you for a job!”

As JAG CT’s Director, I took the opportunity to thank both Commissioner Palmer and her Executive Assistant, Art Perry, for their extraordinary efforts in bringing JAG to CT. Long before JAG CT had any staff or an institutional home, Art and Sharon were exploring the program, visiting other states to see it in action, and working incredibly hard to build support and bring it here. JAG CT would not exist without their efforts.z herring and president

New Haven’s JAG programs, at Hillhouse and New Horizons, have each elected officers to lead the Career Association, which will now reinforce JAG’s leadership and professional skills training by designing and carrying out community services and civic engagement projects throughout the year. They were sworn in, and each JAG student also recited the Career Association Creed as they were sworn in as members.

Thanks to the all who attended: members of JAG CT’s Advisory Board, Dr. Martin Estey and Steve Pynn, in addition to Commissioner Palmer and Art Perry;  Eddie Cajigas of the Department of Labor, Alicia Caraballo of the Board of Education, Suzanne Lyons, Zakiyah Baker of Hillhouse, Paulette Jackson of New Horizons, Jason Bartlett, Gemma Joseph Lumpkin, Kermit Carolina and many others. And thanks also to Specialists Nicole Jones of Hillhouse and Courtney Sak of New Horizons, and their students, whose hard work and attention to detail made the event a success. 



A Conversation Worth Having


NBHSSC classes welcomed guest speaker Michael Peterson from New Britain High School for a brief heart to heart last week.

Dean of Students at New Britain High, Mr. Peterson is a motivational individual, stellar artist, and poet laureate of New Britain. Mr. Peterson was invited to speak with the students in my JAG class and in Mr. Kerrigan’s classes. His remarks were focused on motivating students and sharing his own story.


Stemming from a difficult background, Mr. Peterson brings invaluable insight into the classroom  as an individual growing up in a challenged home environment. The majority of his work was performed in spoken verse, but the students were most captivated by his poems detailing the life he hopes to give to his son and daughter. Coming from mixed racial backgrounds, Mr. Peterson and his family share many commonalities with the students of the SCA, and as such a feeling of mutual experience was established from initiation.

In line with our recent JAG Curriculum module, Mr. Peterson’s presentation focused heavily on the concept of value. Economically and socially, JAG imparts a sense of integrity in its students by emphasizing the urgency of prioritizing one’s values. These competencies dealing with the acquisition and orientation of one’s values serve to direct a student’s learning in such a way as to focus their attention on what they themselves value and how that could affect their future career choices.


The students, initially curious as to what the purpose of the talk would be, quickly turned what could have been a one way presentation into a conversation between like-minded individuals. Mr. Peterson left the room with a final sentiment: It’s not your responsibility to ensure the happiness of others; only yourself. Greet everyone as you would wish to be greeted.

We at the SCA were honored to have his presence and look forward to reconnecting with him for future classes.


New Britain I&I: Write Your Own Story!

JAG CT’s second Installation and Installation ceremony drew more than 100 students, parents, dignitaries and supporters, as JAG participants from New Britain High School and the NBHS Satellite Careers Academy joined forces to plan and carry out the event October 29.SAMSUNG CAMERA PICTURES

Special thanks to Senator Terry Gerratana, who secured legislative citations for all JAG Career Association elected officers, and to State Representatives Rick Lopes and Peter Tercyak for attending and helping award the citations and certificates of participation. The Career Association is a core element of the JAG program, and all JAG students were recognized as members. Students elect peer leaders, and design and carry out community service projects and  throughout the year, in addition to their elective credit JAG course.

NBHS alum Tammy Lorenzo, of Career Beginnings, delivered the keynote address, sharing her own journey of discovering mentors and finding her way.

“That’s what JAG is all about – a dedicated person to help you and stay with you,” she said, referring to JAG’s 12 months 20151029_185915of follow-up services. “Take advantage of what JAG has to offer you!”

NBHSSCA Principal Mike Foran thanks Lorenzo, and reminded JAG students that their own stories are still theirs to write.

“Think of how you want to be seen and remembered in other people’s stories,” he said. “Do you want to be that person who was there for others when they needed you? You want to be the person others can count on.”SAMSUNG CAMERA PICTURES

Awarding the legislative citations, Senator Gerratana reminded students they are part of something larger – that JAG has been supported by the state of Connecticut’s Department of Labor, representing their value to the state and to its leaders.

JAG students from both the High School and the Satellite Careers Academy –and NBHS Specialist Emily Carver —  worked hard to plan and carry20151029_181711 out the event, transforming the cafeteria into a festive and elegant venue.

Thanks to all who took part, including Superintendent  Kelt Cooper,  assistant superintendent Paul Salina, Associate Principals Joseph Pinchera and Kerri-Lyn Major, school counselor Ed Dejesus, dean of students Mike Peterson, and NBHS teachers Mr. Bornn, Ms. Mowchan, Ms. Higgins, Mr. Zayas, Mr. Malinowski and Ms. Bernacki. Thanks also to Paulette Fox, Executive Director of OIC in New Britain, and Sue Bowen Harris of the Hartford Consortium for Higher Education, for attending!

To any and all involved in our Installation and Initiation Ceremony we would like to extend our warmest gratitude. As the Career Association and JAG go forward, we want to recognize those who have been critical in our successes in both the classroom and the community!


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