Jobs for America’s Graduates (JAG) is a state-based national non-profit, working with young people who are most at-risk. In more than three decades of operation, JAG brings consistent, compelling results, helping students stay in school through graduation, pursue post-secondary education and secure quality employment and sustaining jobs and careers.
  • Youth unemployment is at a record high, especially for urban and minority teenagers, and we know this impacts their lifetime earnings and prospects. Yet at the same time, AT&T and other businesses are struggling to find workers who have the mindset, habits, and skills to help us succeed. Click here for the full article.CTNJ 5 7 16

  • neysha flores

    Looking for more JAG workers!

    Like many Connecticut employers, Neysha Flores, above, a vendor services supervisor with National Waste Associates of Glastonbury, is continually looking for workers who are smart, willing and able to learn, and who have the good work habits to fit in and help her company.

    In JAG, Neysha found a great worker, and she would like to find more.

    “Rossana came to us without any business experience, but she impressed us from the first interview, and she has gone on to learn many different elements of our business,” Neysha said, of Rossana Bustamonte, a Manchester High School JAG student she hired six months ago.

    “When she interviewed with us she was well-spoken and outgoing and made a very good impression. She’s doing a really good job, handling everything from cold-calling new vendors to dealing with emergency situations and different types of contracts.

    “She is a good fit for us,” Neysha continued. “I would definitely hire another JAG student in the future.”

  • Design Thinking: JAG’s Strength and Effectiveness

    "My support for JAG is also that it is not an adjunct program; it is really built into the school day.

    "The strength of this program… is designing backwards from what we want graduates to look like in the end. Working with industry the message is consistently same: They want graduates that think and can problem solve and have the habits of mind to be part of an organization. The JAG Program, and schools that have that focus built in as part of their day, are better able to achieve this. The JAG program really focuses on teaching explicitly those soft skills and what we call habits of mind . You don’t always find that in conventional education."

    ~Steve Pynn. JAG CT Advisory Board member

    "Having been in education for a long time, I have never had a role like this, and it’s very rewarding."

    ~Justine Meyer, Lead JAG CT and Manchester High Specialist

    Excerpts from MetroHartford Alliance's Pulse of the Region, November 21, 2015

  • Jobs for America’s Graduates (JAG) is a state-based national non-profit organization dedicated to preventing dropouts among young people who are most at-risk. In more than three decades of operation, JAG has delivered consistent, compelling results – helping nearly a million young people stay in school through graduation, pursue post-secondary education and secure quality entry-level jobs leading to career advancement opportunities.


Men’s Wearhouse Offers Interview Tips to Hillhouse JAG

NEW HAVEN – JAG students at Hillhouse High School got a personalized introduction to the professional world, with job search tips, instruction on how to dress for success and help with mock interviews, as Men’s Wearhouse made a recent visit to JAG at Hillhouse High School.

The interactive presentation, by Richard Dorval and Lillian Pearson, included mock interviews and instruction in a proper handshake and appropriate eye contact. Students also practiced responses to sample interview questions from Pearson, whoMens_Wearhouse_6 then offered feedback on what she liked and what could be improved. Additionally, Dorval showcased various suit coats on male students while Pearson displayed what skirts young women should and should not wear in an interview setting.

But in addition to looking the part, successful candidates need to also be properly prepared for an interview. Dorval and Pearson emphasized the importance of doing your homework on a company and making an appropriate list of questions. “If you don’t do your homework, it doesn’t matter how good you look,” Dorval reminded students.

Many thanks to Men’s Wearhouse, which has also visited JAG classes at Manchester High and New Horizons this year.

Photo Caption: Winter Salazar shakes hands with Lillian Pearson after her mock interview.


Job Offers Are Rolling in for JAG Students at MHS!

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Owen White, a senior and JAG student at MHS, proudly displays his job offer from Six Flags.

Our JAG class has been discussing leadership styles, teamwork, interest inventories and career paths and conducing mock interviews.

Owen and his class are also looking at after-graduation plans and career options.

Two other MHS JAG students also got jobs last weekend. Congratulations!


Deacon Art Miller Addresses EHHS JAG

Deacon Art Miller, whose work on social justice and civil rights stretches over much of the country and several decades, addressed students in the East Hartford High School JAG program last month.

Deacon Miller is a friend to the JAG CT program, having helped with the new Specialist training by providing a talk and framework on earned and unearned advantage and disadvantage. His presentation at East Hartford High was attended by both JAG and other students.

EHHS JAG Specialist Patty Damiani invited Deacon Miller to address her students on the importance of education, attitude and motivation.

“Deacon Miller spoke about his experiences growing up during the civil rights movement — of everyone’s worth and how you could come from nothing and build yourself into something great through education and hard work,” Ms. Damiani recalled. “He spoke a lot about kindness and sticking up for people who need it.  Basically, he made the students realize that they can  make a difference in the world by being kind, educated and driven.

“My students were very interested in all he had to say,” she added. “I could see the look in some of my students’ faces and knew he got through to them.  Also, he helped one student in particular after by helping him get into Capital.  He was a great inspiration to my students and to myself!”

Deacon Miller works as the Director of African American Affairs at the Archdiocese of Hartford, and has worked for many years on voting rights, ant-violence efforts in Hartford and elsewhere, and other social justice causes. He is also the author of a book about his experience as a childhood friend of Emmett Till.

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