
JAG CT Team Ready for New Year!

JAG CT is ready for the 2015-16 school year with a dedicated team of Specialists and a full school year to work with students.

Classes began last week in East Hartford and Manchester, and today in New Britain and New Haven.JAG’s team has been at work already with training over the summer and setting up classrooms and preparing activities for students.

After launching in January of this year, JAG Specialists are particularly excited to be able to work with their students for a full school year. JAG is an elective credit, with Specialists offering instruction in JAG’s professional skills as well as meeting individually with students to identify career interests and educational and career goals. Students will also take part in JAG’s Career Association, working on community service projects and developing leadership skills.

Since JAG also provides 12 months of follow-up support to students, Specialists also worked this summer bringing their students to tour community colleges, helping families complete the FAFSA and making other plans as needed.

JAG was brought to Connecticut in 2014 by the state Department of Labor and the Hartford Consortium for Higher Education after decades of success throughout the country in getting at-risk youth to graduate from high school and move on to success in the workforce and in post-secondary education. Specialists are at work in six schools: East Hartford High School, Manchester High School, New Britain High School and the Satellite Career Academy, and Hillhouse and New Horizons in New Haven.

Standing from left are Courtney Sak of New Horizons, Justine Meyer of Manchester High and Nicole Jones of HIllhouse High. Seated from left are Richard Hegeman of the New Britain High School Satellite Career Academy, Patty Damiani of East Hartford High School and Emily Carver of New Britain High.

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